Just because….

I Miss Writing this Kind of Stuff

Gail Boenning
2 min readApr 7, 2018

Somewhere along the line, I stopped treating Medium as a journal and started taking it seriously — the writing.

I’ll say this is good because I am working really hard to grow the quality of my output. I mean — what Medium Member wants to read about the morning I snapped the side mirror off of our truck? (Thank you Chahar Dharmendra for giving that story some attention. I smiled when I read it. My son now drives that truck and has to look in the broken mirror.)

On the other hand, my output has seriously declined because I feel like, if I’m going to publish, I want my words to serve a purpose for others. I put my ideas through some really intense scrutiny before I share them. Every piece is like a job interview instead of a conversation with a friend.

I miss the days when I used to just share what was going on in my life and the lesson I learned that day. It was easy and comfortable. Consider this a throwback piece — the beginner Gail, writer for 100 Naked Words…..

It’s a bright, sunny and cold morning. I got up with the birds and the rising sun. Cardinals, robins, red wing blackbirds, sparrows and finch all chatter ferociously on spring mornings in my yard, but they seem to amp up the intensity when the sun is not buried under the clouds. There is nothing quite like a spring morning at my kitchen table.

I look down to where the swing set used to stand and recall a frosty April morning when I sat with my toddler in a wooden fort and watched chipmunks zoom — to, fro, up, down and around. There was such joy in that moment — in the now. Children are pros at it!

Life has moved on. The swing set was moved to another yard. The toddler drives and works. I keep my eyes open for my next steps.

Today, in my new phase of life, I’m free to go on a jaunt with some friends. We’re heading down to Chicago for a yoga workshop with Desiree Rumbaugh. I’m psyched. She is a yoga role model of sorts for me and I’m excited to learn from her. This is an adventure I might not have allowed myself or sought before I started writing. Writing has completely changed my world view.

I know I am the author of my story on the page and off.

Gotta go! I think I exceeded my 100 words. ;)

Thanks to Johnson Kee for creating something that changed the direction of my life!

