Where does your lap go when you stand up?

Gail Boenning
1 min readDec 29, 2018
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

“Shhhhhh,” I shushed the line of twenty-two as we passed the library.

Walking backwards, I opened the exterior metal door with a push from my rear. Warmth, sunshine and fresh air danced on and around the children as they fidgeted on the yellow paint line.

“Go on!” I said with a wave of my hand.

Children raced towards the swings, slides and metal rungs with pounding feet and flailing arms.

One tripped.

Skinned knee.

I’d developed a script for minor injuries — with my index finger transformed into a magic wand.

“It’s okay sweetie. There’s magic inside of you! The nurse will clean your owie and cover it with a band-aid. You won’t need it for long. Your body is already working to fix itself from the inside out! In a short time — hocus-pocus — the owie will disappear!”

Later on the carpet in front of the rocker:

Criss-cross applesauce, hands in your lap!

“Mrs. Boenning — What happens to our lap when we stand up?”

“Our bodies hide it in a secret compartment. To bring it back, just sit down — you are filled with magic!”

*Thanks Jack Herlocker forthe question!

